Cyber crime cost UK businesses £29 billion in 2016

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[et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]Beaming recently published new research that revealed the impact of cyber crime on UK businesses in 2016. 2.9 million British companies were hit by some sort of cyber crime at a total cost of £29.1 billion.

Phishing was the most common type of attack (affecting 1,299,178 businesses), followed by computer viruses (1,288,547 businesses) and hacking (1,022,781 businesses). Although ransomware ranked last in terms of the number of organisations affected (388,858), it ranked first in terms of financial losses (£7,356,060,699), followed by phishing (£5,923,634,311) and social engineering (£5,350,684,088).

CCS IT Solutions have worked with our clients to provide them with robust anti-phishing, anti-virus and anti-ransomware protection. We prioritise security and protection for each of our clients. However, we understand that the this is not a ‘one size fits all’ service and depending on your organisation’s operations a tailored level of security may be required.

CCS IT Solutions’ Team has been supporting businesses with IT services in Manchester and across the UK for over twenty years.  Our service focuses on providing secure, efficient and cost effective IT solutions to support business operations.

If you would like to discuss this article further, how we can help to safeguard your business from potential threats or any issue relating to IT Support, please get in touch with our team today:

T:            0161 428 2088



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