New London Office

We are excited to announce that CCS IT Solutions Ltd has opened a second office in City Road, London. Whilst we will continue to have our offices in Manchester, there were several reasons to expand to our second premises.

  • Location. City Road is a road that runs through central London and brings us with walking distance of a few of our enterprise clients, not to mention some great restaurants and a few coffee shops that are perfect for meetings. Having offices in both London and Manchester makes us ideally placed to offer unrivalled support to our clients nationwide with our business IT support staff can be more strategically placed.
  • More space. When we first moved into our last office, in 1995, we were originally a family run business and there was only four of us and also lots of space. As our company has grown, we inevitably started running out of space and the second office means we’ll have much more room to continue to expand.
  • Presence. CCS IT Solutions Ltd will now be more recognised as a national IT Support company with our new location in London. We will also be easier to find online for any London based business that needs us to secure, maintain, monitor and support all their business needs.

Many thanks for all the team’s assistance at CCS IT Solutions throughout the years and to our valued clients. We’re looking at this second location as the begin of a new chapter in our company’s success.