How Will Outsourcing Benefit Your Business IT Support?

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.22″ _i=”0″ _address=”0″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.25″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” _i=”0″ _address=”0.0″][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” _i=”0″ _address=”0.0.0″ custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.29.1″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” hover_enabled=”0″ _i=”0″ _address=”″]It doesn’t matter what type of industry you’re in, you need to use technology in some capacity to manage your operations. With the use of IT comes the need for business IT support and services. The recommended action is to have onsite IT support that handles all the upkeep for you but this is costly and comes with additional HR implications. The growing trend among businesses nowadays is to outsource their business IT support. Read on to find out why.

Why You Should Outsource?

Aside from the fact that managed services are more affordable, there are a number of other benefits that come with outsourcing your business IT support network: 

  1. Professional IT Expertise

Outsourcing IT support services gives you access to highly skilled IT professionals that would otherwise be out of reach for small to medium-sized enterprises. Let’s face it; it’s tough to attract and retain the services of a high-end IT support company when you’re still growing your own business.

While a lack of IT experts in a particular region may have hindered business owners from accessing the level of IT support they need, this doesn’t have to be the case anymore. Thanks to technology, you can hire an IT expert in another region or even country and still get the level of service that you need.

  1. Focused Resources

In addition to saving money, companies that outsource their IT support get to channel their resources elsewhere. For instance, a small business with an internal IT “department” will most likely end up stretching their IT-savvy employees too thin because instead of focusing on their primary role, they’ll have to pay attention to IT matters. On the contrary, hiring a team of IT experts from outside your company will give your internal staff the opportunity to focus more on their own jobs. That way, company resources will be focused on.

  1. Increased Productivity

The truth is that a dedicated IT company can achieve so much more than a small internal IT team. In fact, most IT companies offer support and customer service packages that bring massive value to your company. Some of the most useful business IT support services offered by external IT companies include providing you with software that helps to protect sensitive company data, as well as tools that enable remote working opportunities for your employees.

  1. Lower Costs

A recently released survey indicates that almost 70% of UK companies outsource much of their personnel in order to cut costs. Outsourcing your IT support network could save you a bundle in wages, employee benefits and employee training costs that come with hiring an in-house professional.

Companies that outsource also save in terms of storage, equipment and hardware costs. Plus, you get better value for money than you would if you were to hire someone to do the work in-house. When you have an outside expert fully managing your IT systems you won’t need to concern yourself about new tech developments because the IT company will do that for you.

  1. Fewer Risks

The proactive approach of external IT support companies is unparalleled and a far cry from the reactive practices of in-house IT departments in most businesses. It’s important to maintain a level of agility that enables constant surveillance on your IT network to prevent issues that might threaten productivity. Best of all, outsourcing your IT support gives you access to highly skilled professionals that offer a support package that includes a combination of offence and defence strategies.   [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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