UK Foreign Office calls in
‘urgent support’ after cyber incident

It has emerged, the UK's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) has been a target of a recent "serious cyber-security incident."

The UK government only revealed the existence of the “serious cyber security incident” affecting the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) through a public tender announcement.

Contract information released by the government on Friday February 4 shows that the department was forced to call in “urgent support” from the security firm “to support remediation and investigation”.

According to the document, which was first reported by online technology publication The Stack, BAE provided “business analyst and technical architect support to analyse an authority cyber security incident”. This would indicate the company was brought in for consultancy services following a security breach or to recommend actions to address weaknesses that had been discovered in the Foreign Office’s networks, although it isn’t clear if the latter should be described as an incident.

News of the apparent incident comes days after a significant security lapse was uncovered affecting the British Council. Security researchers at Clario found 144,000 unencrypted files on an unprotected Microsoft Azure storage server, which included personal and login details of British Council students.

This article was took from and The BBC.

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